Hi! I'm Mihir, a second-year PhD student in theoretical computer science at the Berkeley EECS department. I'm generally interested in questions in theoretical computer science with a combinatorial or probabilistic flavor, whichever fields these may be in. Recently, areas that I have worked in include streaming algorithms, algorithmic fairness, and coding theory. I am fortunate to be advised by Jelani Nelson and Venkatesan Guruswami. 

Email: mihirs [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Selected publications

Authorship is in alphabetical order. See Research page for full list of publications.

Optimal quantile estimation: beyond the comparison model

Meghal Gupta, Mihir Singhal, Hongxun Wu

FOCS 2024, Best Student Paper

paper, slides, talk

Low-degree multicalibration

Parikshit Gopalan, Michael Kim, Mihir Singhal, Shengjia Zhao

COLT 2022


Lower bounds for superpatterns and universal sequences

Zachary Chroman, Matthew Kwan, Mihir Singhal

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2021
